Also, because the item's level is scaled to your character's level, it's a good idea to open the chest very soon after you've leveled (and not to wait until you're getting close to leveling), so you can spend as much quality time as possible making good use of that same-level item. But, at a higher level (for instance, the max level, Player Level 72, at Overpowered Level 8), you will definitely already have powerful gear or legendary items that are more powerful than the mysterious loot chest has to offer. At lower levels (i.e., Player Level 5), you can expect to receive powerful gear that will most likely be a big improvement on anything that you currently own. For example, if a level 4 character opened the chest the gear would be level 7, whereas if a level 42 character opened the chest it would be level 42.Timing is very important when opening the chest.

The minimum level that the items can be however, is 7. Each time you open the chest you will receive one to four items depending on what items are available, similar to how loot chests work in the rest of the game.Any item that comes from the chest is scaled to the level of the person who opens the chest. Thanks!Using a Golden Key to open the Golden Chest will give you an Epic Item (Purple in color), an (Dark Violet/Magenta in color), or a set of Rare Items (Blue in color). Only mark that the codes have expired in the expected expiration section.If a code is past its expiration date and still works, please change the 'Expected Expiration' to 'Unknown'.Please add new SHiFT Codes at the end of the table. When a code expires, DO NOT REMOVE ANY CODES. All SHiFT Codes which are Red in color are those that have expired.SHiFT Codes may eventually expire. Guns, Shields, and even Relics!All SHiFT Codes which are Black in color are still working. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit. Aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more. All Warning to new DLC XcierFreedom posted Jun 19. Home Forums Gaming Borderlands: Handsome Collection Borderlands 2 Dismiss Notice. Contents.Introduction SHiFT Codes are special promotional codes released by Gearbox Software and other sources, some of which are only active for a few hours before expiring, while others have been valid for years.Entering SHiFT Codes can reward you all sorts of stuff! Mostly just golden keys, but you might be rewarded with something else, other than just golden keys, such as.