ENBeautiful In addition to updating the textures, the biggest - and potentially most intimidating - aspect of revamping New Vegas is adding a new lighting system. Ultimately, though, the choice is entirely up to you. and several great "moods" for the wasteland, which can range from lore-friendly templates to fantastical color palates - even a Silent Hills inspired setting that blankets the desert in a thick and ominous fog. While Project Reality is fantastic, we opted to install the Nevada Skies mod, as it not only adds in weather effects and enhanced lighting, but also has an excellent U.I. Both mods add a bunch of excellent dyanmic weather effects, including enhanced rain, sandstorms (supplemented by Drumber's HQ Dust Storms mod), radstorms and even snow, if you want to experience a bizzare and wintery Mojave.

There are two primary weather modifiers to choose from - JJC71's FNV Project Reality or the Nevada Skies mod by Yossarian. The next bit of our Wasteland overhaul comes in the form of a weather mod. In order to make the Strip itself seem more realistic and lively, we also installed The Strip Open by users Schizofriendlia and MoBurma - what this mod does is it removes the gates between each area of the NV Strip in the vanilla version of the game, allowing it to be one continuous street instead of three separate areas. This mod adds more than 100 different trees, grasses, shrubs and other types of plant life to the vast expanse of the area surrounding the New Vegas Strip. As in Fallout 3 and Skyrim, a must-have mod is the Wasteland Flora Overhaul by Vurt. Wasteland 2.0 On top of all these extra texture mods and new character models, it's easy to add some extra detailed flair to the Mojave desert. For our non-human (or formerly human) friends, we also installed Ghouls Hires Retexture and Securitron Hires Retexture (both from Macintroll) and the Improved Robots Texture Pack by Tau34RUS. Another great option for revamping the in-game characters is FNV Redesigned, which gives the NPC character models a softer, more realistic quality. It also includes a "Playable Races" option which can be activated if, instead of a boring "normal" person you want to experience life in New Vegas as a Ghoul or mutated human.

These files reshape and retexture almost every NPC you'll encounter, from Sunny Smiles and Easy Pete to each Poweder Ganger and Fiend.

YES NO To enhance our interactions with the various NPCs throughout New Vegas, we installed Drumber's excellent mod, the Fallout Character Overhaul.